Impressive performance profile
The Murten Region Fire Brigade fulfills its mission of securing - rescuing - holding - protecting - coping in various areas. In the context of fire protection, it also intervenes in vehicle fires on the A1 freeway or supports the local fire departments in the lake district. It is therefore absolutely dependent on the constant availability of the information in the Firetab®.
Firetab: Knowing the situation at all times
The Murten fire department actively searched the Internet for an information application. This was also due to input from young cadres, for whom the use of tablets and smart phones is a matter of course. For commander Claudio Mignot, there are numerous convincing advantages with Firetab: On the one hand, the geo-referenced call-up of deployment and building plans in seconds in the event of an operation, such as all parking garages including penetration depth. In the event of an emergency, the corresponding plan is available at the click of a button. This is particularly valuable in the case of burning vehicles in parking garages and smoke development. On the other hand, the location is displayed accurately. The Firetab tablet is always in the command vehicle of the duty officer. In the event of an emergency, he or she can immediately move out from the place of residence or work and initiate the necessary measures.
Up-to-date GIS data available offline from any location and at any time
With Firetab, all key information can be collected at headquarters and at the scene of an emergency, and can be viewed at any time; this means that Commander Mignot can get a picture of the current situation even if he arrives at the scene of a major incident at a later date. The Murten Fire Department will now integrate up-to-date maps via the interface to the regional GIS. The advantage of Firetab is that this data is also available offline and with a short loading time.

Apps for heroes Militia fire department Murten region
With 165 firefighters, the Murten Region Fire Department is a forward-looking service and competence center for hazard prevention and rescue. As a cantonal fire department base with the tasks of rescuing people in accidents, oil and chemical rescue and water protection, it plays an important role beyond the Lake Fribourg district. It supports five local fire departments and one company fire department. In addition, as a chemical fire brigade, it is responsible for the districts of See and Broye and as a cantonal boat base for all lakes in the canton of Fribourg.