Firetab Digital mission control
A comprehensive information system for the deployment of the fire department, civil defense and regional command organization - that is Firetab. The cloud solution ensures that the emergency forces are informed and organized faster and better.
Deployment software Integrated solution for mission control
Firetab is the best choice for fire departments and related blue-light organizations looking for a complete system that supports them efficiently in the field.
Firetab Deployment, Firetab Screen and Firetab Journal, a perfectly synchronized information system via the cloud, is built around the Firetab Core technology: For teams that want to immediately and reliably access all crucial data on the move and on different hardware.
Overall system
Integrated deployment apps
Deployment devices

- Firetab integrates multiple web applications and apps into one system
- The web applications work on all operating systems
- On tablets and smartphones we work with Android and iOS technology
- Azurito does not sell hardware, but makes recommendations
How it works Firetab alarm
Firetab insert
Firetab Screen
Firetab Journal
For fire department
For civil defense
For management body
Azurito Community What mission managers say about Firetab
Public Safety Firetab, digital tools for efficient operations

- Cloud solution for various devices (iOS, Android).
- Offline availability of data and maps, fast loading times
- Cross-organizational collaboration integrated
- Very user-friendly and militia-ready, you talk directly to the manufacturer

- The data is securely stored on a server in Zurich.
- The hosting features 24h monitoring with banking standard.
- The DSGVO guidelines (General Data Protection Regulation) are adhered to.

With Firetab
Is each task force faster
and better informed
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